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Long term benefits of regular chiropractic care

Long term benefits of regular chiropractic care

Proper spinal alignment is an essential key factor to maintaining quality of life, living healthy and remaining pain free. This is because the nerves in the spinal column are responsible for communicating with the brain and the rest of the body. If a vertebra shifts out of proper position it puts pressure on the nerves obstructing the communication pathway. Compressed/irritated nerves lead to pain and limited range of motion. This leads to inflammation and swelling. Chiropractic adjustments are a highly effective, quick, and all-natural procedure that corrects misaligned vertebrae, thus taking the pressure off the nerves. Because the body’s response to injury is to protect the joint, the muscles guard around it. This is the spasms and tightness people feel with pain. Once the pressure has been removed, range of motion returns, pain is relieved, and inflammation/swelling goes away. This is why chiropractic adjustments are one of the best holistic treatment options available for pain relief and provides for a better quality of life.

Oviedo Injury and Wellness Center patients often report that they get pain relief within only a few adjustments. Even though our patients feel better so quickly in our chiropractic Oviedo office, Dr. Ressler recommends continuing with regular chiropractic care for its long-term benefits. Most patients get an adjustment once every 3 months. This helps maintain the joint integrity and keeps them pain free.


Regular chiropractic adjustments can help treat conditions like:



Bulging or Herniated Discs

Tennis Elbow

Carpal Tunnel


Plantar Fasciitis

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)



Nerve Pain

Neck Pain

Back Pain

Degenerative Disc Disease

Click here for more condition’s chiropractic care can treat!


Listed last, but certainly not least is degenerative disc disease. Degenerative Disc Disease occurs when the discs located in the spinal column become thinner than a normal healthy spinal segment should be. These discs are very important as they provide cushion between the vertebrae and act as a support system to absorb shock. The disc between the vertebra/bones creates an opening for the nerve that comes off the spinal cord to travel to the muscle or the organ system (Ex heart, kidneys etc.). Nerves travel from the spinal column to different parts of the body. When a disc degenerates or becomes thinner, it narrows the space between the vertebrae. This causes nerves to become compressed/irritated resulting in pain, inflammation, irritation and swelling as mentioned above. Common symptoms of degenerative disc disease are numbness, immobility, aching or shooting pain and loss of sensation in the affected region. Degenerative disc disease is often caused by aging. According to Colombia University, degenerative disc disease affects approximately 30% of people at one or more levels by age 35 and more than 90% by age 60. 

(Source: https://www.neurosurgery.columbia.edu/patient-care/conditions/degenerative-disc-disease#:~:text=Most%20people's%20spinal%20discs%20degenerate,does%20not%20necessarily%20cause%20pain.)

Although aging is the main cause, auto accident injuries, playing sports or years of repetitive activities have been linked to degenerative disc disease. Dr. Ressler tells patients to “never ignore your symptoms of degenerative disc disease. It is important that you receive proper treatment so your condition will not become worse.”

When seeking treatment for degenerative disc disease, keep in mind that discs that have become degenerated are also very fragile. You need to consider that not all Oviedo chiropractors use the gentlest methods. Dr. Ressler is a highly trained chiropractor in Oviedo, FL. He uses an extremely gentle and effective chiropractic technique called the activator method to treat his patients. The “activator” is a spring-loaded tool that corrects the misalignment of the exact vertebrae out of place. It involves no forceful cracking or twisting making it one of the best all-natural options to treat degenerative disc disease.

Dr. Ressler’s Oviedo chiropractic office features a specialized table called a “flexion distraction table.” The flexion distraction table is designed to relieve pressure on your discs and prevent surgery. The table uses a light traction to slightly pulls your vertebrae apart from each other and allow the compressed disc to return to the proper position. The spinal decompression mechanism makes the flexion distraction table also a very gentle treatment option for degenerative disc disease. By restoring alignment with these innovative chiropractic techniques offered in our chiropractic Oviedo office, patients report that their symptoms improve drastically.

Whether it is an auto accident injury, sports accident injury or chronic condition, chiropractic care has successfully helped a tremendous amount of people heal from their injuries naturally.

Unfortunately, people sometimes wait until their pain levels are unbearable before they seek chiropractic intervention. Oviedo chiropractors can all agree that one way to prevent injuries and worsening of chronic conditions is to be proactive and treat the problem early, so it does not progress into a major issue. Even if you are not experiencing pain, Dr. Ressler recommends that you maintain a chiropractic routine to prevent damage from occurring in the first place. He tells his patients that, “a quarterly adjustment is a good practice to keep your spine in alignment and prevent a potential injury.” If you are experiencing pain, it is imperative that you seek proper care as soon as possible. This will ensure that your condition will not become worse or lead to permanent damage.

DON’T WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE IN PAIN! Preventing is always easier than correcting! Call our Oviedo chiropractic office at 407-977-5005 or click here to request your appointment today!


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