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Boost your immune system with chiropractic adjustments

With all the recent concerns related to Covid-19, one way to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 is to boost your immune system.   

Chiropractic care is a great natural way to help boost your immune system. To understand how this can be achieved, you must understand how the body works.

There are multiple systems in your body that perform different tasks. Your circulatory system controls blood flow leaving and returning to the heart.  Your respiratory system circulates air into your lungs and then oxygen to the blood stream. The immune system is responsible for attacking any foreign invaders into the body. An example is when you cough. This is a normal response of your body to expel the dust or virus that is trying to enter through the nose, mouth or eyes. A fever is your body’s response to killing bacteria by destroying it with extensive heat. Bacteria cannot live under higher temperature, so a fever of 102 is a perfect way to defend the body without damaging itself. Fevers above 104 can cause harm and that is why you must cool someone down to prevent injury.  When any system is not functioning well or at a limited capacity, it puts a strain on the other systems. Your nervous system is responsible for controlling all the different systems and making sure they work together to enable you to function at a peak level. Your nervous system enables the body to defend itself against attacks from bacteria, viruses, etc.

Compressed nerve pathways from a misaligned joint/vertebra is one of the ways that the immune system can be suppressed. If the communication pathway to the particular system is not proper, then the system does not work efficiently. This gives a virus or bacteria more time to take hold and multiply. The quicker the virus/bacteria multiply the sicker you become. Your body must create a greater response to the virus/bacteria to destroy it and remove it. Misaligned vertebrae/joints put pressure on the nerves in your spine which directly affects the communication between your nervous system, other systems, and your brain. This communication is vital because it signals to the brain and other systems when foreign substances like viruses, bacteria and allergens have been detected in the body. Your immune system works to recognize these substances and your body will react to get rid of them. This will cause your immune system to function efficiently. 

Dr. Ressler, chiropractor in Oviedo, FL can maintain the communication pathways which will boost your immune system.  Using a special adjusting device called an “Activator,” Dr. Ressler will move each misaligned joint individually back in place to relieve the compression off the nerve. Once the compression is removed, your immune system will function optimally and will react quickly to remove viruses, bacteria, and allergens. The activator method is low force and does not involve any twisting of the neck or low back.

Sleep is also an especially important factor to fighting colds and flu.  Without a sufficient amount of sleep, there is an increased risk to developing health problems.  When you have other health issues you are vulnerable to viruses, bacteria and allergens that lead to an overwhelmed immune system. During sleep your body repairs itself on a cellular level.  It is a time for the body to shut down, reorganize and begin the process of regeneration.  It is recommended that you get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Do you toss and turn when trying to fall asleep? Do you wake up in the morning with neck pain? Want to wake up feeling refreshed after a good night’s rest? Check out our blog using the link below! Dr. Ressler, Oviedo Chiropractor, gives great recommendations for proper sleep posture and explains how your pillow could be affecting your sleep!


Want more information on how to stay healthy and boost your immune system visit the link below!


Oviedo Injury and Wellness Center offers flexible late hours and same day appointments.  Because of the COVID-19 concerns, OIWC has policies and procedures in place to assure patient and staff safety. OIWC is following all CDC, State and federal guidelines pertaining to the COVID-19. Dr. Ressler and staff are here to help during these times. Please contact the office at 407-977-5005 for more information regarding office COVID-19 policy.

Injured from a recent car accident? Whether it was a minor fender bender or a major accident, discomfort from injuries sustained in an auto accident may not be felt for days or even weeks after the incident. You only have 14 days from the accident to be evaluated or you will lose all your medical coverage for treatment related to this accident!  Do not lose all your medical benefits! Call 407-977-5005 and schedule an appointment today!